Astrup Fearnley Museum at Tjuvholmen
Astrup Fearnley Museet is a private museum of contemporary art, and has since its opening in 1993 been one of the most important art institutions in Oslo. The museum moved to Tjuvholmen in 2012, beautifully located in Oslo centre by the Oslo Fjord in a building designed by world-renowned architect Renzo Piano. The museum presents temporary exhibitions of international art, and houses the Astrup Fearnley Collection, one of Norway’s most important and most extensive private collections of contemporary art, with iconic works by artists such as Damien Hirst, Anselm Kiefer and Jeff Koons.
Opening hours: Monday closed; Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 12-17; Thursday 12-19; Saturday and Sunday 11-17. Ticket sales ends half an hour before closing time. Click here for opening hours on public holidays
Admission: Adults: 120,- Students: 80,- Children under 18 free; Oslo pass free.
From 31st January 2020 until 17th May 2020, the museum is showing an exhibition of Contemporary African Art – Alpha Crucis. This is an absolutely great exhibition and unreservedly recommended when you are in Oslo. The pictures on the right below are from that exhibition while the others illustrate the quality and fascination of many of this art centre’s displays.

Above is one of the fascinating installations at the Alpha Crucis exhibition of Contemporary African Art.
Below: the photograph is taken in early February, as we are walking along Akerbrygge ((Aker Wharf where the boat from Vollen arrives in Oslo) towards the Astrup Fearnley Museum. The tall square towers in the background are Oslo City Hall.